Sunday, May 6, 2012

I went to Tanasi to race my bike Dudes

Hello. Well, this weekend was the Tanasi SERC race. I have been to this place a whole bunch of times because it is pretty close to Knoxville. It is a pretty fun place to ride, but it can be a challenge to race there.

I got there on Saturday, and enjoyed van camping under the “supermoon.” It really was big. They weren’t kidding. There weren’t even any clouds getting in the way of looking at it. On Saturday night we also got to swim in the Ocoee river. It was SO MUCH FUN! I love that river because there are so many little water falls that you can play in. It wasn’t even too cold. I was awoken very early by someone running their generator, but that is alright. I understand. How could anyone be without ac and televsion? I ate a hearty breakfast of peanut butter sandwich with granola. Oh yeah.

We lined up 11 girls. The race was fun, but I guess I rode pretty hard the previous week, and my legs hurt really badly, so I couldn’t go very fast. I still tried my hardest though. I always looked forward to going down thunder rock express.

Apparently some of the racers saw a bear while they were out on the course. I would have been really scared. Maybe that would have helped me ride faster…..?

Now I am back in Knoxville studying for my last final of the semester. I have been in finals week for the past week. So far I have taken one in chemistry and calculus. The only one I have left (tomorrow) is nutrition. I have been studying for nutrition tonight. It is not really all that fun. I would probably rather be sleeping than studying. Tomorrow I get to get a massage though. I am looking forward to that.

So, I guess I will get back to my nutrition studies now. Good Night.
Here is me riding my bike so quickly!

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